Is It OK to Give a Dog Milk or Dairy Products? 
BY MIKE SAGMAN at Dog Food Advisor 
 Oh, how Penny used to love ice cream. All I had to do was simply open the freezer door, and in a flash, she�d be there. Looking up at me. Wagging her tail in utter anticipation. Well, that was before I�d heard that dogs weren�t supposed to have milk or dairy products. When I asked why, I was simply told that milk was �bad for dogs�. Until then, I�d never given the subject much thought. After all, Penny�s vet used to suggest hiding her pills inside a slice of cheese. So, what�s all this fuss about giving dairy products to your dog? Is it OK. Or not? Well, that all depends on your dog�s particular body chemistry. Milk�s Most Disagreeable Feature Some dogs have no problems digesting dairy products. Yet others experience acute intestinal distress like gas, diarrhea or vomiting. It all comes down to how your dog handles a specific nutrient found in milk. A nutrient known as lactose. I know you�ve probably heard of lactose before. But what exactly is it? Well, lactose is actually a kind of sugar. Not just one single sugar, but two sugar molecules chemically linked together. In order for a dog to digest milk, the lactose must first be broken apart into its two more basic, easy-to-absorb sugars. And that�s just it. You see, a dog�s body must be able to produce its own special lactose-splitting enzyme. An enzyme known as lactase. And that�s one thing very few dogs can reliably do. Like Humans� Dogs Can Also Suffer from Lactose Intolerance Without lactase, a dog simply cannot digest dairy products. And acute intestinal symptoms nearly always arise. This inability to digest milk is infamously known as lactose intolerance. The same lactose intolerance so many humans suffer from every day. So, if you�ve ever noticed your dog tends to develop gas or loose stools after having milk, there�s a good chance she may be suffering from lactose intolerance. Knowing a Food�s Lactose Content Can Help Your Dog To be fair, I do have to mention (in rare cases) a dog can be allergic to the protein in milk1. Other than that, milk shouldn�t be considered toxic for a dog. And no, it doesn�t cause worms either (no kidding, I�ve actually heard that silly rumor myself). Yet for dogs that are lactose intolerant (as so many actually are), dairy products can present a real problem. For those pets, there�s still hope. That�s because a dog�s reaction to lactose can be directly related to the �dose�. The higher the lactose content, the greater the likely response. Thankfully, not all dairy products contain the same amount of lactose. Many kinds of cheese and yogurt contain considerably less than milk. 
Take a look at this table. Notice that certain fermented milk products contain only minimal amounts of lactose per serving. For example, notice how most cheeses contain very little lactose. About a gram per serving. Sometimes less. Now, compare that quantity to whole milk, which clocks in at a whopping 11 grams. So, if your dog can�t handle milk or ice cream, why not try one of these low lactose products? Three Ways to Ease Milk Problems If your dog seems to be able handle dairy products, then feel free to offer her milk-based foods. Of course, in moderation. If not, try one of these three simple ideas� 1. Decrease the serving size. Try a spoonful instead of a scoop 2. Choose dairy products with lower lactose content 3. Offer lactose-free milk products And remember, when in doubt, consult your veterinarian for professional advice. 

1. Wills J, Harvey R, Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, �Diagnosis and management of food allergy and intolerance in dogs and cats�, Australian Veterinary Journal, 1994 Oct; 71(10):322-6↩