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Pet Corrector 50 ml
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Pet Corrector 50 ml
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Stop barking, jumping or unwanted pet activity
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Do You Have A Barking Dog?
You love your dog, no doubt about it. But what about that annoying barking? Well... that's a different story.
A barking dog can seem absolutely unbearable at times. You can't have a conversation, watch TV, or
speak on the phone without hearing that constant racket. Your neighbors complain and might even report you to the landlord or police. When you have houseguests, your dog drowns out all conversation. And when another animal comes into the yard or the mail carrier comes to the door, it's nearly impossible to calm your dog down. Sounds familiar?
Now there's a fast, easy solution that really works. It is a simple, effective, pain-free, humane solution to dog barking (and other problem behaviors) - and it works instantly! Britain's top animal behaviorist developed it, and it has been widely used for years in the United Kingdom. In fact, it is the UK's # 1 dog training tool. It just recently became available in America, and I predict it will soon become just as popular in this country as it is in the UK because it is so effective.
This new training aid is called the Pet Corrector and I really love it. The idea behind this unique training technique is so simple but it makes so much sense - it is absolutely incredible!
Pet Corrector uses your dog's instincts to discourage problem behavior safely, humanely and quickly. Here's what you do: when your dog begins barking, briefly aim the Pet Corrector away from you and your dog and press the button. The hissing noise immediately sends a signal to your dog to stop the inappropriate behavior.
The reason the Pet Corrector works is that the sound reminds your dog of the "hissing" sound of a snake - a sound that will stop a dog in its tracks. Wow…simple, effective, brilliant!
You can pick up the Pet Corrector for $14.99 and it's worth every penny.
After using the Pet Corrector a few times, your dog will connect their behavior to the hissing noise. When they reach that point, simply leaving the can within eyesight is usually enough to end the problem once and for all.
I really love the Pet Corrector and so will you. Try it and see for yourself. That wonderful sound you'll hear is the sound of silence!
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